Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert
(too old to reply)
2016-11-02 03:20:20 UTC
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.

Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.

2016-11-02 03:28:52 UTC
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
The Second American Revolution has begun.
2016-11-02 03:31:43 UTC
Post by nopms
The Second American Revolution has begun.
Here's the youtube Upload-

2016-11-02 03:36:38 UTC
Dr.Steve's latest video-

The Clinton Pedophilia Connection

2016-11-02 03:39:04 UTC
And trump has babies wiggle their legs up his asshole.
2016-11-02 03:33:38 UTC
That was done on 911, duh
2016-11-02 03:33:41 UTC
That was done on 911, duh
2016-11-02 04:23:02 UTC
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
We're in the midst of amazing historic events.

Soft Coup By Patriot Americans Is Happening. NOW.
2016-11-02 04:29:28 UTC
Kill soft nigger with hard steel
2016-11-02 05:01:30 UTC
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
SR 1308 – Julian Assange Surfaces - He's OK – Part 1

2016-11-02 05:05:13 UTC
J ass is a dead man
2016-11-02 11:48:42 UTC
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
I was about to post Pieczenik's youtube video but you're already there.
2016-11-02 16:50:39 UTC
Post by Matt2442
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
I was about to post Pieczenik's youtube video but you're already there.
Glad to know you're awake and watching ...as Gil Scott-Heron said, the revolution will not be televised ...thank God for the internet!
Celestia S
2016-11-02 17:23:34 UTC
Post by nopms
Post by Matt2442
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
I was about to post Pieczenik's youtube video but you're already there.
Glad to know you're awake and watching ...as Gil Scott-Heron said, the revolution will not be televised ...thank God for the internet!
If this is true, we're going to have to hold another campaign and election. They can't put Trump in the presidency just because his opponent was arrested, there has to be a fair election.
2016-11-02 17:35:54 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by nopms
Post by Matt2442
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
I was about to post Pieczenik's youtube video but you're already there.
Glad to know you're awake and watching ...as Gil Scott-Heron said, the revolution will not be televised ...thank God for the internet!
If this is true, we're going to have to hold another campaign and election. They can't put Trump in the presidency just because his opponent was arrested, there has to be a fair election.
No, what you said makes no sense. We are not going to need another election. He still wins with most votes, even if the witch isn't arrested. He is wining fair and square if the ballots are correctly counted. The criminality of the Clintons and their election rigging are not his responsibility.
2016-11-02 17:38:59 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by nopms
Post by Matt2442
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
I was about to post Pieczenik's youtube video but you're already there.
Glad to know you're awake and watching ...as Gil Scott-Heron said, the revolution will not be televised ...thank God for the internet!
If this is true, we're going to have to hold another campaign and election. They can't put Trump in the presidency just because his opponent was arrested, there has to be a fair election.
BTW, 'they' are not supposed to just 'put' anyone into the office of the president. We the People are the ones to do that, with our fairly counted votes.
2016-11-02 17:49:27 UTC
The electoral college has final say because your too stupid to decide. House speaker is the one not some shit candidate.
2016-11-02 18:01:06 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
The electoral college has final say because your too stupid to decide. House speaker is the one not some shit candidate.
We have decided and our choice is DJTrump for POTUS 2016! Give back SoreAss his $$ and Ifone, you've failed to derail the Trump Train to the WH.
2016-11-02 18:28:13 UTC
Like a title boxing fight, you have to win big to beat the champ.
trump can't win by a tie.
2016-11-02 18:30:02 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
Like a title boxing fight, you have to win big to beat the champ.
trump can't win by a tie.
He has Already Won.
2016-11-02 18:46:19 UTC
A group of 62 retired senior military officers is raising concerns about potential links between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They are calling on the Republican candidate to release his tax returns to determine if there are financial ties to Moscow.

The officers, who range in rank from one-star to four-star generals and admirals, question whether a Trump presidency would serve national security interests or his organization's bottom line.

In a letter, they say Trump has taken actions to benefit Russia, including his refusal to acknowledge intelligence conclusions that recent cyber hacks into the Democratic National Committee were tied to the Kremlin.

The letter was signed by a number of combat-decorated officers as well as several who have been involved in politics in recent years, including retired Gen. Wesley Clark.
2016-11-02 18:56:24 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
A group of 62 retired senior military officers is raising concerns about potential links between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They are calling on the Republican candidate to release his tax returns to determine if there are financial ties to Moscow.
The officers, who range in rank from one-star to four-star generals and admirals, question whether a Trump presidency would serve national security interests or his organization's bottom line.
In a letter, they say Trump has taken actions to benefit Russia, including his refusal to acknowledge intelligence conclusions that recent cyber hacks into the Democratic National Committee were tied to the Kremlin.
The letter was signed by a number of combat-decorated officers as well as several who have been involved in politics in recent years, including retired Gen. Wesley Clark.
Already Debunked. Next desperate lie please?
2016-11-02 19:01:01 UTC
I report and you react stupid.

trump is perfect for hitting a woman, he loves to,
... He's a coward
2016-11-02 19:03:13 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
I report and you react stupid.
trump is perfect for hitting a woman, he loves to,
... He's a coward
You aren't reporting anything. You're regurgitating old lies already DEBUNKED. Try harder coward loser.
2016-11-02 19:07:13 UTC
I told you the cubs would have the newly pressurized heart to tie it up.
2016-11-02 19:08:11 UTC
You react I report so your unfit as trump
2016-11-02 19:18:14 UTC
He admits he's a political underdog a.k.a unfit!
2016-11-02 19:41:03 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
He admits he's a political underdog a.k.a unfit!
I used to think you're stupid then I thought you were only pretending. I was wrong in the second thought.
2016-11-02 19:53:18 UTC
Report something or nigger out!
2016-11-02 21:31:31 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
Report something or nigger out!
On behalf of the Creator of The Delta Force, here ya go-

2016-11-02 21:57:01 UTC
News not fox
News not infowars
News not YouTube
News because there is no news about trump.
2016-11-02 22:10:18 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
News not fox
News not infowars
News not YouTube
News because there is no news about trump.
2016-11-02 22:12:54 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
News not fox
News not infowars
News not YouTube
News because there is no news about trump.
Infowars is Breaking News! I'm an InfoWarrior, you're just a DumbDowner.
2016-11-02 22:21:16 UTC
Falex jhonez is on a crazy check. His fake studio is in a
foldup tent near a mission where he eats slop like a pig.
2016-11-02 22:48:20 UTC
And if you aren't too lazy to read your links then post a snipit of what is most important.

Then falex jhonez can foxify it for ultra right wing Russian consumption
2016-11-02 23:02:13 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
And if you aren't too lazy to read your links then post a snipit of what is most important.
Then falex jhonez can foxify it for ultra right wing Russian consumption
I read and listen before I post. You want snippets because you've been DumbedDown to only 3-second sound bites worth of attention and still don't understand.
2016-11-02 23:09:22 UTC
Post by nopms
Post by geraldkrug
And if you aren't too lazy to read your links then post a snipit of what is most important.
Then falex jhonez can foxify it for ultra right wing Russian consumption
I read and listen before I post. You want snippets because you've been DumbedDown to only 3-second sound bites worth of attention and still don't understand.
It's too bad you can't comprehend more than 3-seconds of information.

Insider: FBI Uncovered Clinton Criminal Enterprise on Weiner’s PC

Patriots in government turning against Hillary

Jamie White | Infowars.com - November 2, 2016

The FBI reportedly found evidence of treason, money laundering and connections to child exploitation – including the infamous Lolita Express – on Anthony Weiner’s home computer, says former federal prosecutor Doug Hagmann.

“It involves Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Bill Clinton as well as Jeffrey Epstein,” Hagmann said on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “According to my source, these files exist – he did not touch these files so he doesn’t know what’s in them, but the fact that they exist on this computer suggest some sort of overlap here.”

“It involves the Saudis, very big money and interests in the Middle East, and it involves Hillary, Huma, and to a much lesser extent Anthony Weiner.”

Hagmann added that Hillary Clinton also took flights on the Lolita Express.

“Based on my source, Hillary did in fact take part in some of the junkets on the Lolita Express independent of and with Bill Clinton, and it also involved Huma,” he said.

And instead of destroying Clinton aide laptops, patriotic FBI agents instead decided to hold on to them, Hagmann said.

“They did not, contrary to belief and reports, destroy that hardware or that data on the hardware,” he said. “That hardware that was ordered destroyed is now in the hands of a group of FBI agents and is being held at the FBI and it’s ready to be disclosed.”

Hagmann went on to say that Weiner’s recent admission into a sex rehab clinic was done both as a legal maneuver and for his own personal safety.

“The backstory is Weiner has a lot of the information, and I do believe that they’re afraid of what he’s got and they’re afraid of him being this loose cannon,” he noted.

The FBI reopened Hillary’s private server investigation after recovering 650,000 related emails from Anthony Weiner’s devices, including a desktop computer and a smartphone, in an independent investigation involving Weiner’s inappropriate texts to a minor.

Democrats reacted to Director Comey’s decision to reopen the case by branding him as a partisan traitor, with even Clinton advisor James Carville making the stunning claim that the KGB (which no longer exists), FBI, and Republicans are colluding together to get Trump into office.
2016-11-02 23:13:20 UTC
Too lazy and/or dumbed down to read an entire article? Not my problem.

2016-11-02 23:16:48 UTC
Post by nopms
Too lazy and/or dumbed down to read an entire article? Not my problem.

Independents leaning toward Trump in polls after FBI furor erupts

By David Lightman


The furor over the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails is helping Donald Trump among independent voters in key swing states.

In Wisconsin, a state that for months has been seen as safe Democratic turf, a new Marquette Law School poll released Wednesday found a shift in independent voters’ views. Many moved toward Trump after the FBI said Friday it was again probing Clinton’s use of a private email system for government business.

In Florida, a new CNN/ORC survey of Florida voters had Clinton up 2 and Quinnipiac had her up 1. Trump was leading among independent voters, 46-40, Quinnipiac found.

In Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac gave Clinton a 4-point edge, while CNN/ORC had her up 5. Clinton was ahead by 4 with independent voters, Quinnpiac said.

In North Carolina, Trump was up 45-38 among independents, Quinnpiac said. Clinton led overall by 3. Quinnipiac’s polls were conducted Thursday through Tuesday.

In Wisconsin, among independent voters, Clinton was up by 7 over Trump on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, Trump jumped to a 10 point advantage, then back to 8 in Saturday through Monday interviews.

He also solidified support among Republicans. Nearly three in four backed him Wednesday and Thursday, 87 percent on Friday and 86 percent on Saturday through Monday.

There was still good news for Clinton: She’s still up 6 overall, though that’s down from 11 before the Friday bombshell.

The vote margin showed “a little tightening,” said Charles Franklin, poll director.

“Within partisan identifiers, there is evidence that some undecided Republicans moved to support of Trump over the survey period and that independents shifted from a Clinton advantage to a Trump advantage, though all the shifts are inside the margin of error.”

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article112106442.html#storylink=cpy
2016-11-02 19:19:00 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
You react I report so your unfit as trump
I report you as spam.
2016-11-02 23:33:37 UTC
Post by nopms
Post by Matt2442
Post by nopms
Renowned State Dept. psychological warfare expert exposes attempted Clinton takeover.
Former spy chief Dr. Steve Pieczenik, appearing on camera for the first time in years, also breaks down the Clinton takeover of the United States in a last ditch effort to stop their corruption.
I was about to post Pieczenik's youtube video but you're already there.
Glad to know you're awake and watching ...as Gil Scott-Heron said, the revolution will not be televised ...thank God for the internet!
Apparently the fix is already in...:

2016-11-03 02:11:22 UTC
All fades into ancient memory when there's nothing perverted.
Cubs leading...
2016-11-03 03:15:03 UTC
Hillary's commercial shames trump saying our children are watching.
Tie score!
2016-11-03 03:46:59 UTC
Rain came and went.
Bottom 9th tied...
2016-11-03 03:53:53 UTC
We are going to the 10th. Cubs up first
2016-11-03 04:00:50 UTC
Rain delay field covered by tarp.
2016-11-03 04:06:32 UTC
Tarp removed
2016-11-03 04:12:51 UTC
Whatever curse on these teams its making the case its watching.
2016-11-03 04:21:16 UTC
Cubs score!
2016-11-03 04:27:14 UTC
Hillary commercial says one wrong move is what trump will make.

Cubs score again!
2016-11-03 04:46:01 UTC
Indians score one run with 2 away pitching change
2016-11-03 04:58:58 UTC
Cubs win!!!
2016-11-04 04:38:29 UTC
Trump's going to win :)
2016-11-04 05:09:20 UTC
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Trump's going to win :)
I think so too, can hardly wait for Tuesday!
Celestia S
2016-11-04 20:01:19 UTC
Post by nopms
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Trump's going to win :)
I think so too, can hardly wait for Tuesday!
As much as I like him, I don't feel happy about him being president. But I'd be downright terrified if Hillary was president. Regardless of who wins, I think there's going to be fighting in the streets beginning Wednesday, eventually forcing O'Bama to declare martial law.
2016-11-04 20:21:38 UTC
Post by Celestia S
Post by nopms
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Trump's going to win :)
I think so too, can hardly wait for Tuesday!
As much as I like him, I don't feel happy about him being president. But I'd be downright terrified if Hillary was president. Regardless of who wins, I think there's going to be fighting in the streets beginning Wednesday, eventually forcing O'Bama to declare martial law.
You're not happy about anything anyway so what are you looking for that would be better? You are caught between a Trump Rock and an Hitlary Hard Place. The Hard is satanic but a Rock is something to which you can anchor.
2016-11-04 20:57:22 UTC
Go Google early voting data
