<°•Sim/neuron NEW1e+22=((1PQ>PA>gQqQq<A4D(d+tendrals)(S...)SR>A^88))2 fragdEnergy
(too old to reply)
2024-02-04 04:49:40 UTC
Why I don't believe they did the moon landings

So here's the deal in laymans terms. The Saturn S4b carried the Lunar Module and Command Service module into low earth orbit at a speed of 17,500mph. To use and escape earths gravitational pull, the S4b fired it's engine again, after making sure all spacecraft systems were working, then accelerated to approx 24,500mph.

Gerald - the fact that they slowed the Command Module to
2200 mph is impossible.
2024-02-05 04:34:01 UTC
Post by geraldkrug
Why I don't believe they did the moon landings
So here's the deal in laymans terms. The Saturn S4b carried the Lunar Module and Command Service module into low earth orbit at a speed of 17,500mph. To use and escape earths gravitational pull, the S4b fired it's engine again, after making sure all spacecraft systems were working, then accelerated to approx 24,500mph.
Gerald - the fact that they slowed the Command Module to
2200 mph is impossible.
Van Halen belts is problem not delta V.
Ionosphere around the Earth is untouchable wall for every astronaut.
When metalic object moving tgrough an hard charged magnetic field whats
Electricity and temperature inside cabine is so high till every live
creature burn in flame.
Many russian missions in early 60s is burned when Salut rockets eject
astronauts in very high orbit dangerous for living creatures.
